Data Data Everywhere

Published by: Srini Chari Blog

Like the Ancient Mariner who had ‘water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink,” we have data, data everywhere, but not the understanding we need about it. What is it?     What does “big data” mean? What defines...

Even Bigger than the Internet

Published by: Srini Chari Blog

The cloud is changing everything. The change is even bigger than the change we saw from the Internet. It will change how every business operates. That’s what a cloud computing expert told me – Roger Krakoff, founder and managing partner...

What Difference Does it Make?

Published by: Srini Chari Blog

What differences does it make? That’s the first question for every entrepreneur and innovator. The country – and the world for that matter – is buzzing with new start ups. Most of them will fail of course and it won't...

The New News: Vox Populi

Published by: Srini Chari Blog

A new Greenpeace campaign targets Apple’s cloud computing products, as it looks to “clean the cloud around the world. A smooth animation of a timelapse of planet Earth from ‘Electro-L’, a geostationary satellite orbiting 40,000 kilometres above the Earth. A...